Jawline Filler Specialist

The Lip Bunny Beauty

Aesthetic Medical Spa & Aesthetic Injectors located in Fall River, MA

A defined jawline enhances the overall impact of your face and rejuvenates by improving the look of jowls and loose skin. Brianna LaTorre, RN, and her team at The Lip Bunny Beauty offer impressive jawline enhancement that looks naturally beautiful. To learn more about how jawline fillers can add contour and definition, call the office in Fall River, Massachusetts, or book your appointment online today.

Jawline Filler Q & A

What is a jawline filler?

A jawline filler shapes and defines your jaw area. Jawline fillers can tighten skin and enhance the angles of your face to offer rejuvenation and definition with breathtaking results.

Benefits of jawline filler injections include:

  • Reducing jowls
  • Improving skin sag
  • Enhancing jaw angle
  • Contouring chin shape

Your skilled specialist at The Lip Bunny Beauty may recommend other injections, such as Kybella®, to reduce submental chin fat, cheek fillers, and other options so you can achieve maximum jawline sculpting and rejuvenation.

How do jawline fillers work?

Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in your skin, giving it firmness and volume. Plentiful in youth, the production of hyaluronic acid declines as you age. This results in loose jowls and less definition of the jawline. 

Jawline fillers restore firmness and volume with a modified form of hyaluronic acid. The experienced team at The Lip Bunny Beauty uses only high-quality, FDA-approved products to perform jawline filler injections. Recommended brands of fillers include:

  • Juvéderm Voluma® 
  • Restylane Refyne®
  • Restylane Defyne®

Your specialist selects one or more of these fillers to address your specific goals for jawline enhancement.

What happens during a jawline filler procedure?

During your initial consultation, your specialist at The Lip Bunny Beauty discusses all of your aesthetic goals with you. Then they design a personalized plan using specific fillers injected at just the right places to give you the jawline you desire.

Your specialist uses a syringe and a tiny, thin needle to perform jawline filler injections. Fillers contain a numbing agent, so your injections don’t hurt. You might feel some pinching or stinging as your specialist performs the injections, but most patients find this tolerable.

How long do jawline fillers last?

Your individual body breaks down the hyaluronic acid at its own pace, so it’s tricky to predict how long your results will last. Jawline fillers can often last as long as two years; the team at The Lip Bunny Beauty recommends periodic maintenance treatments to prolong your results.

Are jawline fillers safe?

The licensed professionals who perform jawline filler injections at The Lip Bunny Beauty have extensive training and experience. You can trust the team to complete your injections safely. 

FDA-approved jawline fillers carry minimal risk of side effects. However, as with any injection, side effects, including infection, scarring, or prolonged swelling may occur, although these are rare.

For a defined, youthful jawline, schedule a consultation at The Lip Bunny Beauty. Call the office today, or book online.